Neibac is:
1. Anti-microbial
2. Anti-septic
3. Anti-fungal
4. Anti-rheumatic
5. Anti-oxidant
This product can help you in your treatment of:
A) Illness
Digestive upsets: Gastointestinal disorders, Diarrhea and Food poisoning.
Infections from: Parasites (single & multi-celled), Bacterial, Viral and Fungal. Candida yeast infections, Thrush and Chronic fatigue.
Oral infections: Tooth plaque, Gum disorders, Breath freshener and Mouthwash. Cold & Flu, Sore throats, Strep throat, Ear inflammation/ pain, Gassiness, Sinusitis and much more!
B) Skin Diseases
Acne, Athletes foot, Nail fungus infections.
Skin infections: Fungal/ Bacterial/ Parasitic/ Viral/ Ringworm, Cuts/ Wounds. Warts, Poison Ivy/ Poison oak, Rashes, Jock itch, Shaving itch, Dandruff, Cold sores/ Herpes, Head lice, Chickenpox, Cracked lips, Toothbrush cleaning and much more!
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